dinsdag 1 november 2011


Gevonden in een presentatie van een thesis over 'Design of future magazine' door Alap Shah
(meerdere bronnen zijn noodzakelijk om dit te beschouwen als waarheid)

Survey taken by 131 people
Age group 20-29= 76.33%, Rest = 23.66%
Male = 38.16% Female = 61.84%
Do you blog YES = 18.32 %, NO = 81.68%
Don’t read blogs NO = 23.66% YES = 76.33%
Why read magazine =
* to get information = 58.77%
* For entertainment = 41.98%
* you know the blogger = 30.53%
* other reasons = 7.63%

Prefer to read on paper = 70.92%
I don’t print from the web = 38.16%
For easier reading = 46.56%
Yes for archiving = 21.37%
Yes for displaying something = 22.13%
Yes for sharing = 15.26%

* Would you like to have something printed in higher quality (photos, stories, articles, etc.)? (you can choose more than one)
* No = 32.82%
* Yes for archiving = 28.34%
* Yes for displaying = 40.45%
* Yes for sharing = 19.08%
* Would you pay a small sum YES = 55.72%


“Environmental impact A life cycle study shows that the CO2 emissions caused by the production and distribution of one copy of an average sized 0.39 pound magazine in the USA total about 0.95 kilograms (2.1 pounds) -- including paper from trees, materials, production, shipping and customer use. The loss of natural habitat potential from the 0.39 pound magazine is estimated to be o.73 square meters (7.9 square feet).”

A Race Between Digital and Print Magazines

A recent report released by Forrester noted that 49 percent of tablet owners are actively reading newspapers and magazines on their devices, but are less likely to be reading a downloaded magazine. Forrester also noted that 72 percent of tablet owners actively go to view news and other information through a Web browser.

Blogpost op Mequoda Group

During 2011 – 24.1 million tablet PC sales

During 2012 – 35.1 million tablet PC sales

During 2013 – 39.8 million tablet PC sales

During 2014 – 42.3 million tablet PC sales

During 2015 – 44.0 million tablet PC sales

Many tablet owners are using other media less. For instance, 20% are using print magazines less, 25% are using print books less and 27% are using print newspapers less. Tablets have also spurred owners to use other computers less, as 23% are using laptop/notebook computers less and 27% are using desktop computers less.

The use of search and apps are both popular on the tablet. According to the study, 39% of tablet owners spend more time using the web browser than they spend on apps. Oppositely, 16% of owners are using apps more than search. The other 45% say they spend about the same time on apps as they do with search.

Conclusions for publishers:

Tablet users are still investing in apps. On average, each owner spends $34 on apps for tablets.

Although apps are being purchased, the quality of what qualifies as an app needs to be raised.

Finally, the study says publishers need to work together to develop standards and metrics for advertising. Beyond that, standards of quality and operation should be considered for editorial content. If this isn’t found, switching between digital magazines or eBooks could pose confusing or frustrating to users. As user experience needs to be the focus for publishing going forward, we need to work together to find a happy medium.

Meer lezen over dit onderzoek doe je hier


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